Fayette County Voter Information
Requirements to register to vote:
- A citizen of the United States.
- Must be 18 years of age on or before the date of the next election.
- Reside in your precinct for at least 30 days prior to an election.
- To constitute residence, a permanent abode and dwelling place within the precinct are necessary.
- Two forms of identification are required showing your name, one must show your permanent residence. Such as driver’s license, hunting or fishing license, library card, student identification, copy of a lease or rent receipt showing your address, or any piece of mail delivered to you at your residence.
- You may register to vote in person at the County Clerk ‘s office, Driver’s License facility, or with your Precinct Committeeman (must be a deputy registrar).
- Registration in Fayette County is open year round except during the 28 day period just prior to an election and during the 2 days after such election.
- You will need to re-register to vote if you move to a different county, change your name, or move from one address in Fayette County to another address within the county.
Voting Term Definitions:
Early voting may be done by individuals who are unable to make it to the polling place on the day of election, yet still wish to exercise their right to vote.
In-Person Early Voting – Applicants must qualify under state law and will vote on optical scan ballots. Ballots will be processed and tabulated in the County Clerk ‘s office after the polls close on Election Day.
Grace Period Registration & Voting – Any voter who failed to register or update voter registration information ( such as change of name or address ) may do so only at the County Clerk ‘s office during the Grace Period Registration. After updating voter registration information, voter will vote immediately on optical scan ballots in the County Clerk ‘s office. Ballots will be processed and tabulated in the County Clerk ‘s office after the polls close on Election Day.
Nursing Home In-Person Early Voting – Will be conducted on-site at approved participation facilities. Voters will vote on optical scan ballots delivered to applicants by a team of election judges who will return the sealed ballots. Ballots will be processed and tabulated in the County Clerk ‘s office after the polls close on Election Day.
Mail Out Early Voting – Mailed ballots will be sent to applicants who qualify under state law. Mail out ballots will be sent to applicants on the same business day an application is received. Ballots returned by mail and postmarked by midnight the day prior to Election Day will be processed for tabulation in the County Clerk ‘s office after the polls close on Election Day and during the 14 day period following Election Day.
Provisional Voting – Voter who appear at their precinct polling place but who are rejected because of a challenge, because their name does not appear on the precinct rolls or certain other qualifying criteria may vote provisionally. Voters may vote their usual ballot, complete a special application and seal both inside a secure envelope. The sealed ballot is not counted on Election Day, but delivered to the County Clerk . Provisional voters have the opportunity to submit additional information to the County Clerk to verify registration status until a certain date. After this date, the County Clerk will determine whether each sealed ballot shall be opened and counted or rejected.
The first day to receive an application for early voting ballot through the mail or to vote in person at the County Clerk ‘s office is approximately 40 days prior to the election. If you are not sure if early voting is under way, please call our office at (618) 283-5000.
The last day that early ballot may be mailed out is 5 days prior to the election. This is also the last day that we may receive an application by mail from anyone who has requested an early ballot.
Following is a list of polling places by precinct. Polling places remain open on election days from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Illinois Voter Information:
Illinois State Board of Elections: www.elections.state.il.us