Fayette County Supervisor of Assessments
- Provide assistance and guidelines to the township and multi-township assessors
- Apply exemptions and preferential assessments
- Process property transfers and maintain current name and addresses for property taxes
- Value real property and farmland
- Analyze sales data and conduct sales ratio studies
- Apply equalization factors by jurisdiction that are arrived at through the sales ratio studies
- Clerk to the Board of Review
- Prepare abstracts and reports for the Illinois Department of Revenue
- Process enterprise zone and exemption applications
- Maintain Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) System
- Maintain Geographic Information System (GIS)
CAMA System
CIC ITAS (Computer Information Concepts – IL Tax Administration Solution) has provided Fayette County with a comprehensive Government Revenue Management (GRM) property appraisal software product. It features a highly productive, integrated sketch package and an extremely accurate valuation engine for calculating property values. It is the most widely deployed and nationally recognized CAMA software product available today.
The Sidwell Company is in the process of creating a geographic information system consisting of data, hardware, software and implementation services for Fayette County. Through Sidwell's parcel-based mapping approach, multiple layers of mapped information can be built and overlaid on a common framework to create an effective, multi-application GIS to support a variety of local government functions.
Property Search
A valuable tool that allows users to access information about properties within the county. Find local property ownership information pulled from tax records. Fayette County makes every effort to publish the most accurate information listed.
Additional Resources
Please view additional resources below.
Board of Review - The board has no authority to discuss real estate taxes. The Board of Review decisions are based on a review of the assessed valuation of the property and exemptions that may apply to the property.
Contact Information – Please contact the Board of Review through the Fayette County
- Assessor’s Office located at 221 S. 7th St. Vandalia, IL 62471
- 618-283-5020
- Vernon Brazle – Chairman
- Harold Baumann
- Keith Schaal
Assessment Complaint Forms – Please fill out and attach supporting documents and return to the Fayette County Assessor’s Office.
Township Assessment Districts - Assessments are based on current Market Values. If you have a complaint regarding the description of your property or the Assessed Value of your property the complaint process starts with contacting your District/Township Assessor to verify the accuracy of the information on your Property Record Card.
Township Assessors
Collier, Peggy (Susie) - District #7
- Township: Kaskaskia, Pope, Seminary
- Phone: 618-292-5950
Cook, Kenny - District #2
- Township: Ramsey
- Phone: 618-322-6145
Dyer, David - District #8
- Township: Vandalia
- Phone: 618-699-1493
Moore, Gordon - District #4, District #3
- Township: Sharon
- Bowling Green, Carson, Louden
- Phone: 314-502-4243
Scholes, Kyle - District #6
- Township: Avena
- Phone: 618-267-6112
Porter, Sabrina - District #5
- Township: Otego, Sefton, Wheatland
Stein, Pam - District #9
- Township: Laclede, Lone Grove, Wilberton
- Phone: 618-339-1186
Tarter, Beth - District #1
- Township: Bear Grove, Shafter, South Hurricane, North Hurricane
- Phone: 618-283-1280
Contact Us
Supervisor of Assessments Office
221 S 7th St, Room 8
Vandalia, IL 62471