Fayette County State's Attorney

The Fayette County State's Attorney Office serves the people of Fayette County, Illinois, approximately 22,000 citizens. The City of Vandalia is the county seat of Fayette County. The State's Attorney's Office is similar to that of a District Attorney or County Prosecutor in other states, and is responsible for a wide range of duties which include the following:

  • Felony, Misdemeanor, and Traffic prosecution under state law
  • Juvenile actions including delinquency, truancy, abuse and neglect
  • Victim / Witness Services
  • Providing legal representation to the Fayette County Board and elected county office holders

Staffing & Processing

The State's Attorney supervises a staff of 1 full-time Assistant State's Attorney, and 4 support personnel. The office processes an average of 200 felony, 300 misdemeanor, over 125 DUI's, and 5,000 traffic cases per year.


The State's Attorney's Office is not allowed to provide legal advice regarding civil matters, such as child custody, child support, divorce, evictions, and property line disputes.

Our Staff

Brenda Mathis
State's Attorney
Republican, Unexpired Term 2022-2024
Email Brenda

Jessica Carr-Martin
Assistant State's Attorney
Email Jessica

Kira Palmer
Victim Witness Coordinator
Email Kira

Traffic Questions

If you would like to request court supervision or speak to someone regarding supervision, please contact sao@fayettecountyillinois.gov or call the office prior to your court date.