Text My Gov
Report Issues and Find Answers
You can now text Fayette County to find information and report issues on the go.
You can send a text message using simple keywords to find information such as: AGENDA, BOARD, LIST, TREASURER, VITAL RECORDS, PROPERTY TAX or ELECTIONS.
Connect via text with this new way to skip a phone call and use your mobile phone's text messaging service to quickly report issues and find information on the go.
Easily report an issue to by texting REPORT or an issue-specific keyword such as: STREET LIGHT, TREE DOWN, LOST ANIMAL, BRANCHES, LIVESTOCK or ANIMAL NUISANCE.
Smart texting technology searches keywords to provide assistance anytime, day or night.
Try it today!
Text 'Hi' to Fayette County at 618-892-6686

Receive Fayette County Text Alerts
Sign up to receive Fayette County text alerts via text message. Opt-in to get the latest updates sent directly to your phone.
Sign up today for these notification groups!
Text 'FAYETTEINFO' or the following groups to 91896
Text 'FAYETTEANIMAL' for Animal Control Notifications
Text 'FAYETTEASSESOR' for Assessor Notifications
Text 'FAYETTEATTORNEY' for State's Attorney Notifications
Text 'FAYETTEBOARD' for County Board Notifications
Text 'FAYETTECIRCUITCLERK' for Circuit Clerk Notifications
Text 'FAYETTECORONER' for Coroner Notifications
Text 'FAYETTECORRECTIONS' for Corrections Notifications
Text 'FAYETTECOUNTYCLERK' for County Clerk Notifications
Text 'FAYETTEDISPATCH' for County Dispatch Notifications
Text 'FAYETTEDISPATCHCITY' for City Dispatch Notifications
Text 'FAYETTEELECTIONS' for Election Notifications
Text 'FAYETTEEMA' for EMA Notifications
Text 'FAYETTEETSB' for ETSB Notifications
Text 'FAYETTEHEALTH' for Health Department Notifications
Text 'FAYETTEHIGHWAY' for Highway Notifications
Text 'FAYETTEPROBATION' for Probation Notifications
Text 'FAYETTESHERIFF' for Sheriff Notifications
Text 'FAYETTETREASURER' for Treasurer Notifications
What to Expect
After the initial keyword 'FAYETTEINFO' is sent, you will receive a confirmation message asking you to reply 'YES' to verify opt-in.
You may receive multiple text messages a month with a notification for each alert category opted-in to.
How to Opt Out
Text 'STOP' at any time to remove yourself from the notification list.
View terms and privacy policy info.
Message and data rates apply. Message frequency varies. Check your carrier for more details.